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Chris Biscardi

Writing A First Emacs Elisp Function

So today I tried to write my first fully custom Emacs Lisp code. Here are some things I learned (along with the code for a region-to-gist function).

Here is my final product, uploaded straight from Emacs.

The final script looks like this at the bottom of my .emacs file:

;;; Region to Gist
(defun region-to-gist ()
"Sends region to Gist"
(if (region-active-p)
(gist-req (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))))
(defun gist-test (buf)
(message "%S" `(:content ,buf)))
(defun gist-req (buf)
:type "POST"
:data (json-encode `(:description "Created with Christopher Biscardi's region-to-gist"
:public t
:files (:example.el (:content ,buf))))
;; :data "key=value&key2=value2" ; this is equivalent
:parser 'json-read
:success (function*
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'html_url data)))))

It is used by setting a mark C-SPC, selecting a region (arrow keys work to expand the region) then typing M-x region-to-gist. The Function then runs and outputs either an error message (hopefully not) or this to the message buffer:

I sent: "https://gist.github.com/8812412"

The most important part here is the (interactive) which allows you to use M-x region-to-gist to execute the function. There are a couple different modes you can enable with this.

region-active-p basically returns true if there’s a region selection (The C-SPC and arrows stuff).

gist-test is a function I used to replace the gist-req call so I could test whether or not the region was actually being sent and resolve some formatting issues. This function can be wholly deleted with no ramifications.

buffer-substring-no-properties returns undecorated strings from your buffers. Use this is you’re trying to handle a string (such as in JSON) and use buffer-substring if you’re trying to put something in the kill-ring, etc.

I’m using request.el to make my request. It tries to use curl if available.

The biggest part of the request code is the :success function. In this case we grab the key html_url from the Gist API Responsedata.

The backtick here:

`(:description "Created with Christopher Biscardi's
region-to-gist" :public t :files (:example.el (:content ,buf)))

means we have to use the , for ,buf to get the value of buf.

Oh, and also, this function should probably be called gist-region as per other region functions. oops.