70 %
Chris Biscardi

Deploy Haskell's Snap on Heroku

In this post we will deploy our Snap app to Heroku.

part 1 part 2 part 3

First, we need to put a Procfile in the root of our project; Save this as Procfile

web: cabal run -- -p $PORT

If you’ve been following along and haven’t yet put the code into version control, now is the time to do that by running git init, git add and git commit -m "message".

This command will create a new Heroku app with a Haskell buildpack. You can find more information on the buildpack here

heroku create --stack=cedar --buildpack https://github.com/begriffs/heroku-buildpack-ghc.git

note: You can now deploy the app to Heroku, but you will get an error about connecting to PostgreSQL

At this point we have two basic choices: We can run PostgreSQL as a Heroku extension or we can host PostgreSQL somewhere else. For this example, we'll hosting elsewhere. devel.cfg looks like this:

host = "localhost"
port = 5432
user = "postgres"
pass = ""
db = "testdb"
# Nmuber of distinct connection pools to maintain. The smallest acceptable
# value is 1.
numStripes = 1
# Number of seconds an unused resource is kept open. The smallest acceptable
# value is 0.5 seconds.
idleTime = 5
# Maximum number of resources to keep open per stripe. The smallest
# acceptable value is 1.
maxResourcesPerStripe = 20

The final option is to just host PostgreSQL somewhere other than Heroku and modify the config file to point there.
